Trigoxin: Is the medicine in Hulus movie Run real?

On Friday, Hulu released its new horror-thriller mystery movie Run, about a deranged woman who keeps her daughter sick and imprisoned for years, and it has everyone asking about a certain drug called Trigoxin.

[Warning: Spoilers ahead for Run.]

In the movie, Diane Sherman (played by Sarah Paulson, star of American Crime Story) kidnaps a baby at birth and keeps her essentially imprisoned in their home. As the child reaches adulthood, Diane has to think of new ways to keep Chloe (Kiera Allen) dependent on her.

Chloe has been sick all her life, or so she thought. It turns out that Diane has been keeping her sick and confined to a wheelchair through mental manipulation and through giving her a series of drugs.

So, what is Trigoxin?

One drug that features prominently and is central to the plot is Trigoxin. When Chloe finds a bottle of the medication in among her mother’s groceries, she notes the label prescribes it to her mother.

When her mother insists it’s for Chloe herself, she becomes suspicious. Suspicion is further fueled when Diane cuts off Chloe’s ability to investigate the drug.

At one point, a stranger on the phone researches Trigoxin for Chloe and tells her that it’s a “brand name drug that treats severe heart conditions including atrial fibrillation, flutter, or heart failure.” But they also tell her it’s a red pill. The one Chloe has to take is green.

In real life, there is no drug called Trigoxin that does this. However, there is a real-life drug that performs the functions described above, and it’s called Digoxin. That spelling is real close, and maybe what the moviemakers had in mind when they were thinking up a plausible drug name.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it is used to improve the strength and efficiency of the heart or to control the rate and rhythm of the heartbeat, which leads to better blood circulation.

Is Trigoxin used for dogs?

In another scene, a pharmacist tells our hero, Chloe, that the drug is used as a “muscle relaxant prescribed to reduce canine leg pain or leg discomfort caused by sunburns, bites, or cuts” — and that Diane has been getting it for her dog.

There is no Trigoxin in the veterinary world either. In real life, the closest drug this may describe is Lidocaine, which is used on both humans and dogs as a kind of local anesthetic for sunburns, bites, and cuts. It can also make your legs go numb.

According to the Mayo Clinic, it can be used as a jelly, ointment, spray, or injected into the body, but it doesn’t generally come in pill form.

If you like thriller horror movies, then you might want to catch with Monsters and Critics’ November choices for the best horror and thriller movies on Netflix.

Run is out now on Hulu.
