Resident Evil 4 remake: All Blue Medallion locations

THE Resident Evil 4 remake has a number of collectible side quests, and one of the hardest is to find the blue medallions.

There are six different quests to Destroy the Blue Medallions, which are hidden over seven locations.

It’s a struggle not only to find the medallions but also to get the right angle to break them.

Here is where you can find all the blue medallions in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: The Farm

During Chapter 1 there are five Blue Medallions to find in the Farm. Here are the locations:

  • Behind the building where you can find the typewriter.
  • Inside the barn. You can aim for it through a window outside.
  • In the upstairs window of the locked barn.
  • Hanging from the balcony of the building that has the large wooden cog puzzle. You can see it from the balcony of the locked barn.
  • Inside a small outhouse that you can find next to the windmill that is near a well of stinking water.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: Quarry and Fish Farm

The next request is in Chapter 3, where there are another five Blue Medallions to find. Here are the locations:

  • Hanging on the wooden beams above the Quarry.
  • In the Lake it’s underneath the dock near the boat.
  • In the Fish Farm, find one hanging in a small hut.
  • Below the raised walkway, you can see it through a gap between the planks on the left side of the chamber.
  • Hanging underneath the dock as you jump down towards the cabin that has the Boat Fuel.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: Castle Gate

The next set of six Blue Medallions can be found in Chapter 7 in the Castle Gate area. Here are the locations:

  • Behind the ruined stone building where the catapults fire at you.
  • In the alcove where you raise the cannon up.
  • Just above the door inside the ruined stone building.
  • Also behind the stone building, there is one hanging from some wooden beams.
  • In the area where you raise up the cannon, drop down to find one.
  • Once you climb out of the cannon area, look to the left to see a medallion hanging from a tree.

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Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: Grand Hall

The next set is in Chapter 9, where there are six Blue Medallions to destroy. Here are their locations:

  • Behind the three-headed statue.
  • In the alcove to your right as you enter the Grand Hall.
  • Hiding in the chandelier.
  • In the Dining Hall, between the curtains of the last window.
  • Hanging above the balcony in the Armoury.
  • In the Goat Head room with the bridge you raise and lower. Behind the pillar at the rear of the lower floor.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: Cargo Depot

Five more Blue Medallions can be found in Chapter 14 at the Cargo Depot. Here’s where to find them.

  • Directly above the entrance.
  • Just off the cliff to the right of the entrance.
  • Hanging near a shipping container, up the stairs in the lower section of the Cargo Depot.
  • Hanging behind the right side of some boxes near the stairs.
  • Up on your left as you walk up the stairs to exit the lower level.

Resident Evil 4 Blue Medallion locations: Cliffside Ruins

Chapter 15 has the last set of four Blue Medallions. Here’s their locations:

  • Hanging in the alcove high above the building.
  • Hidden just off the path to the right as you approach the next area.
  • Hidden offshore near some rocks. Drop down to the lower level of the ruins, and use your rifle to shoot it from a distance.
  • Inside the ruins, just above the ladder you need to drop down.

Written by Dave Aubrey and Georgina Young on behalf of GLHF.

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