Priyanka Chopra's boots weren't the only complicated thing about her Wimbledon look. In a video clip shared on Instagram, Chopra showed her husband, Nick Jonas, struggling to help her take down her hair in the car after they took in the sights and sounds of Wimbledon over the weekend. Shortly following an appearance in the stands on Saturday, Chopra shared the clip that included Nick using his phone flashlight to help her take down her high, tight pony.
“Ponytails are complicated,” she captioned the video, which concluded with her saying "ouch" as Jonas continued to try and free her hair from its constrictive styling. The clip offered up a slew of angles and a look of sheer determination from Nick. Eventually, he did manage to liberate Chopra's hair from its confines, though it stayed up thanks to whatever mega-hold styling products were used.
People notes that Jonas shared a few photos from his time across the pond, documenting his day at the storied tennis tournament.
"Beautiful day out at the tennis with my ❤️. Such an honor to sit in the Royal box and watch @marketavondrousova win her first grand slam," he captioned his gallery.
In his shots, his beige tie and matching houndstooth suit were on full display, as well as Chopra's colorful dress. There was even a cameo from someone that looked very much like Prince William in one of Jonas's video clips.
Other celebs in attendance for Saturday's matches included Emma Watson, Issa Rae, and Lin-Manuel Miranda.