Ashley Barkis, a sales manager at 24 Hour Fitness, is currently facing a wave of social media backlash following a recent car accident. The incident video has rapidly spread across various social media platforms, drawing widespread attention.
Interestingly, 24 Hour Fitness has taken to Twitter to clarify that Barkis has not been affiliated with the company for several years, distancing themselves from the situation.
Originally from Oceanside, California, Barkis currently resides in Anaheim. As for her educational background, she attended Katella High School and later pursued her studies at California State University, Long Beach.
On May 18, 2023, Ashley Barkis found herself involved in a car accident in California, where two vehicles collided. While specific information about the incident remains undisclosed, the local Police department has yet to issue any official statements regarding the matter. However, despite the lack of official details, the incident has become a hot topic on social media platforms.
What has become the attention is a viral video capturing the event of the accident, which reveals Ashley’s use of racist remarks and physical aggression toward the other driver involved. It is important to note that no specific information about her injuries has been disclosed so far but it appears that both drivers sustained minor injuries as a result of the accident. People on social media have criticized Ashley for her actions and are demanding that she gets arrested. However, there is no official information about her arrest at this time.